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Building Committee

Mission:  Our mission is to make RUC’s building and grounds a welcoming and safe environment for our congregation, visitors, and the community.  Much of the work we do is by volunteers, although we rely on professional services and staff when we must. Working together, we strive to be good stewards of the environment and our church.

Develop and manage the budget required to provide annual maintenance and improvements


Develop and implement annual plan for repairs and upgrades


Identify, select and oversee outside contractors as required


Create and manage a capital improvement plan and budget to address major upgrades and repairs

Organize volunteer work groups to perform as much of the needed work as possible


Respond to any emergencies concerning the physical plant


Coordinate and gain council approval for all congregational gifts for the improvement of the physical plant

There are a multitude of ways that one can help with Building.  Here are a few:


Attend.  Join the committee.


Volunteer.  Take part in our bi-annual work days in which we do small maintenance, yardwork, cleaning…etc.


Observe.  If you see something broken within RUC, please contact the Building Committee Chair so that something may be done.


Childcare.   Provide childcare during the bi-annual work days so that parents of younger children are able to assist with the work day.

Work Day


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Rockville United Church
355 Linthicum St.
Rockville, MD 20581

Tel: (301) 424-6733

Join us for Worship Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with fellowship afterward.

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