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Community Reach of Montgomery County

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RUC founded this nonprofit agency in 1967 (formerly called Community Ministries of Montgomery County) and is still a major contributor of time and treasure. 



We seek to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable Montgomery County residents by providing them with basic health and human services and advocating on their behalf, with the goal of helping them achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.



The vulnerable population of Montgomery County achieves self-sufficiency and an improved quality of life.



For over 50 years, Community Reach of Montgomery County has helped the vulnerable in Rockville and Montgomery County.  In 2020, we provide:


Healthcare at the Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic (MKHC). MKHC was founded to increase access to primary healthcare services for the uninsured and underinsured adults of Montgomery County.


Housing at Jefferson and Rockland Houses. These houses provide permanent, supportive housing and case management services for men and women.


Financial Emergency Assistance at the Rockville Emergency Assistance Program (REAP). This program aims to provide emergency assistance to individuals and families who are living in Rockville facing a financial crisis and referrals to other safety net services for Montgomery County residents.


Immigrant education at the Language Outreach Program (LOP). This program offers Conversation and English as a Second Language classes for non-English speakers struggling with language and cultural barriers as well as Citizenship Test Preparedness classes.


Elder Care at Senior Reach Program. This program provides a wide range of services to low to mid-low income elderly City of Rockville residents that allow them to age in place.



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Rockville United Church
355 Linthicum St.
Rockville, MD 20581

Tel: (301) 424-6733

Join us for Worship Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with fellowship afterward.

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