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Administration and Personnel Committee

00:28 Want to join us?

00:50 What do we do?

7:53 Pecometh financials

Building committee


Want to help Buildings and Grounds? Be on the lookout for work days or other notices where you can put your expertise (or ability to carry stuff) to use.

councl p

Council President

Did you ever wonder how the Church Council President was chosen? Our current president describes the process.

Church in Society


01:35 Local Mission programs overview

03:10 Annual denominational fees and offerings

03:29 Alternative giving

04:30 Living Faith Lutheran Church Food Pantry

05:14 Community Reach of Montgomery County

06:50 United Campus Ministries

07:12 Service Saturdays

08:15 Other local missions

13:08 2023 Budget request

Congregational Care Committee

congregational care

Congregational Care - we love and encourage the congregation


00:55 Acute concrete needs of congregation - rides, meals

01:13 Prayer

01:35 Prayer shawls

02:10 Prayer circles for those undergoing surgery or other acute needs

02:36 Memorial gifts and services to the bereaved

03:01 Special projects

03:18 Confidential services - small grants, those with longer term needs

EarthCare Committee


Want to see what RUC has already accomplished?


There are some unfortunate freezes in this video, so some of the content is missing. However, there's enough here to get very excited about Earth Care! Contribute to the Earth Care Committee in big and small ways - weed a garden bed, participate in a special project, join the committee.

Faith Formation Committee


Finance Committee

This is your RUC Finance Committee (2022) 04:40  Treasurer responsibilities

02:16  Financial Secretary responsibilities

03:48  Responsibilities of Counters

05:35  Investment Subcommittee

06:45  Finance Committee overall responsibilities
07:06  Who can see my pledge???

08:55  More about Counters!

12:10  Internal Audit responsibilities

00:45 Sunday School overview

01:06 Need for Adult Ed oversight

01:39 Sunday School requirements - 1 room schoolhouse model

02:50 Sunday School teachers

03:30 Noisy

04:10 Adult Ed

04:18 Trunk or Treat

04:37 "Tall Friends"

05:25 How to help

07:24 Adult Small Group Studies - need for future facilitators


Membership Committee

The Membership Team is responsible for advertising the church, recruiting and welcoming visitors, facilitating the membership process, and encouraging and integrating new members into the congregation. In addition, we check on inactive members so that members continue to feel part of our beloved community.


​Our goal is to give visitors an extravagant welcome. You can do many things to make us welcoming: - Care for our facilities by picking up trash, pulling weeds, wiping up spills, etc. so that our building and grounds look cared for. - Say hello before and after worship and at activities.


Greet on Sunday (30 minutes once or twice a year):

- Arrive 30 minutes before worship.

- Stand by glass doors; say hello; and welcome visitors and members.


Serve at the Welcome Table (30 minutes once a month):

- Greet new visitors.

- Have them sign visitors’ log.

- Give them mugs and nametags.

- Direct them to bulletins, sanctuary, coat closet, restrooms, nursery.

- Answer questions.

- Describe communion when we have communion.

- Give completed log page to Membership Elder or other designated person.


Sponsor new member (You set the time):

- Contact and welcome new member.

- Help them navigate this new experience of belonging to RUC.

- Answer questions.

- Introduce them to other members and activities.

- Sit with them in worship if you both wish.

- Eat dinner together if you both wish. Help with other activities:

- Make name tags.

- Straighten up name tags in coat closet.

- Make banners.

- Stuff mugs.

- Host Inquirers/New Members Class when we have food again.

- Check on members you don’t see.

- Set up and/or staff table at community events.


Halley Fenner, Stewardship Elder


02:13  Time and Talent Pledges

02:53  Ways to help

03:08  Volunteer for a Minute for Stewardship in worship

04:23  Volunteer for calling members

Stewardship Committee


Worship and Music Committee

RUC Worship and Music Committee


00:15  Overall Description

00:55  Altar decorations

01:39  Hybrid worship challenges

02:35  Do you have artistic ideas?

02:50  Communion stewards

03:10  Ushers

04:30  Volunteer positions such as readers 04:55  Digital Host

06:00  Specific duties of digital hosts

09:25  Liturgist

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Rockville United Church
355 Linthicum St.
Rockville, MD 20581

Tel: (301) 424-6733

Join us for Worship Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with fellowship afterward.

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