Administrates Educational/Spiritual Activities

Mission: Faith Formation initiates, directs and supports opportunities for religious education for all ages. RUC is a place where children and youth matter, where they are meant to be seen and heard, where the youth are valued not as the future of the church but the church here and now. We take Christian Education—for adults, youth and children—very seriously while having lots of fun. As a church, we strive to put God first, love others as you love yourself, and participate in God's plan by putting faith into action.
We are excited to welcome you and your children to Rockville United Church.
We invite you to become involved in our faith formation opportunities. Our faith formation program is led by our Associate Pastor, Rev. Jennifer Knutsen and our Faith Formation Committee.
Goal and Vision
Our goal is to empower children,
youth, and adults to articulate
the hope that is in them.
Our vision is of an authentic
Christianity lived in a culturally
diverse and religiously
pluralistic world.
We want children to have fun
and feel they are a part of
our community.
We want children to gain ample religious literacy.
We aim to prepare children
to become adult Christians
(should they choose the Christian path) who are lovingly engaged in justice seeking and peacemaking in the world. We help children become sensitive, moral, and joyful people who have integrity and spiritual insight.
In Worship
In worship we gather as a whole community. Children, youth, and adults of all ages are welcome! We have a
“Quiet Carpet” space available in the sanctuary where young children along with their families may sit if they would like more freedom to move. You can also find activity bags for children in this area.
Our Nursery
The Nursery is an important part of our community where many of our children begin their experience of church life. Nursery care is available each Sunday morning for children, birth through age 3, and is staffed by our professional caregiver, Iyana Downie, along with adult volunteers. All of our volunteers have experience working with children and are trained to meet our Safe Church policies.
Sunday School Program
From September - June during worship Sunday School classes for children (Preschool-5th Grade) meet on Sunday mornings during the second part of morning worship. Following the “Word for Children” in the worship service, children and their teachers leave worship as a group and go downstairs to their classroom. Parents pick up their children in their Sunday School classroom after worship.
All of our classes are taught by a team of teachers and follow curriculum focused on exploring the Bible, church, and theology through stories, games, creative activities, and shared conversation.
We encourage older youth to join and participate in the morning worship service.
The schedule changes in the Summer. Contact us for more information.
NOISY Youth Fellowship
Our teenagers are welcoming, creative and fun loving. We offer varied opportunities for teenagers to enjoy each other, serve others and learn about our Christian heritage.
NOISY is our fellowship group for Middle and High School youth led by our volunteer Youth Leaders. The group meets the first and third Sundays from 12:15 pm -2 pm for lunch, fellowship, conversation and activities.
Our youth also engage in various mission opportunities to serve the community.
Adult Education
Various leaders will lead us in a conversational study on Sunday mornings. This opportunity is normally hybrid and occurs in the Church Office's Conference Room. ​
Safe Church
We care about the safety and well-being of our community. We have a Safe Church Policy and require all staff, teachers, and volunteers to participate in Safe Church Training and Background Checks. We encourage everyone to become familiar with our Safe Church Policy, available by request, to help keep our church a joyful, safe place to learn and grow.
Christmas Pageant
The pastor's with marvelous volunteer leaders facilitate a Christmas Pageant each year. Pre-COVID the Pageants were acted out live during worship. During the pandemic and following we have created videos of the Pageant.