Stewardship Commitee
Mission. We seek to cultivate a spirit of abundance within our congregation that leads us to share our time, treasure and talent with each other and with our community--local, national and global. We believe in God's promise to provide and pledge to live our statement of faith through the sharing of our gifts.
What We Do
Develop and execute the annual Stewardship Campaign
Communicate to each member their value to RUC and our appreciation that they have chosen RUC to live out their faith
Nurture and support members that are in need and to be sensitive to individual circumstances
Encourage member participation in all RUC activities that demonstrate our commitment to the maintenance of RUC and our desire to serve our community
Remind each member of their pledge of support to RUC
Embrace each other and our statement of faith as we make the world in which we live a better place for all
Get Involved!
Volunteer to give testimony during Stewardship Sundays about why you give to RUC
Help define annual fellowship campaign theme
Help plan annual stewardship event
Help decorate for stewardship event
Help draft stewardship campaign messages (letters, emails, Facebook and web)
Perform at the stewardship event—all talents welcome
Attend the annual stewardship event
Make reminder calls for members who have not yet pledged